Friday, September 22, 2017

On Friday the 22 The New York Times published an article titled
Kim’s Rejoinder to Trump’s Rocket Man: ‘Mentally Deranged U.S. Dotard. 
I recommend this reading because not only is the article title slightly comical, but the effects of what is happening could be detrimental. Two of the most powerful Egocentric people in the world are calling each other names and what makes it extremely dangerous is they are both leaders of countries containing nuclear arsenals, with neither one of them having the slightest bit of thick skin. I have high hopes that congress and our other implications of checks and balances will prevent anything from coming out of President Trump and Kim jung-un's predicament; primarily making sure any and all nuclear warheads stay dormant. The thought of nuclear warfare is frightening enough, we should take all measures possible to prevent another cold war-like standoff.